Ebay…and old technology
I take enormous pride in my work. I have worked hard, and for quite awhile now, so there is a lot of hardware out there these days. When someone sells off my stuff, I have to admit, I take it a little personally. I think to myself, “what the fuck is wrong with this guy??… how dare he?” Sure, I get over it. I do understand the fickle nature of musicians, especially guitar players, and of course I understand hardship and other extenuating circumstances, but it still stings a little. And especially if they move over to the copycats. That really burns my tail. But then I think “well now, here is another person’s opportunity to get into my stuff, and “get” what it is I do. But it does come back to bite me in the ass a little, because I feel I am competing with myself with all this ebay activity, and people not understanding just what it is they are paying for, when they see something with the name “Bradshaw” or “Custom Audio Electronics” on it. So much of my stuff was/is custom built for a specific application, and there may be little or no documentation to go along with it. Of course,some stuff is universal, and can be used in a wide variety of applications,and I DO do modifications to “pre owned” CAE gear. You just have to be aware of what you are getting. Which leads me to this post. It has come to the point where some of this stuff I just can’t work on anymore. I am a small manufacturer, and technology changes rapidly, and therefore some of this stuff is just obsolete. It pains me to say it…it really does. I am not some faceless company that spits stuff out in large quantities. Most likely I built whatever it is you are interested in with my own two hands. But at this point I gotta say “no mas”. Below are some photos of stuff I just can’t work on anymore. And this includes anything with “Rocktron” on it. Some people still don’t realise I was NOT the manufacturer of the Rocktron RSB system. Yes, my name was on it, but I didn’t build ’em. Contact Rocktron if you need technical support, and good luck. And if you have questions regarding a specific piece of CAE gear you are looking to buy, contact me first, and I’ll let you know if I am willing to service and/or modify it. But the following are definitely
no nos.

If its got this connector, forget it!

This footcontroller is really obsolete!

If it has this connector...nope, sorry!

Obsolete Rack Controller